
Rabindra Sah test drives a Toyota Mirai

‘EV Week’ Event Shows Off Electric Vehicles as Consumers Consider New Incentives

Peninsula Press · 'EV Week' Lets Consumers Test Drive Electric Vehicles SAN FRANCISCO — Bay Area-based electric vehicle advocacy group Charge Across Town held their annual EV Week event at Embarcadero Plaza on Oct. 8 and 9, hoping to entice people to make the switch. EV Week 2022 came as local, state, and federal actors […]

‘EV Week’ Event Shows Off Electric Vehicles as Consumers Consider New Incentives Read More »

Bay Area Traffic is one of the worst in the world. San Francisco is the fifth most congested city in the world. Local drivers spent more than three days in congestion last year. (Fabienne Meijer/Peninsula Press)

Congestion in the Bay Area is at a record high. Amsterdam might have some solutions

BAY AREA — Traffic congestion is one of the Bay Area’s most pressing problems. On average, Bay Area drivers spent over 79 hours in traffic jams last year. It doesn’t have to be that way. In the Amsterdam Transit Region in the Netherlands, where around 1.5 million people live, more than 50 percent commute by other means than cars.

Congestion in the Bay Area is at a record high. Amsterdam might have some solutions Read More »