affordable housing

Members of the East Palo Alto Rent Stabilization Board sit behind the desk during a meeting.

Proposition 33 sparks debate on rent control, the free market and values

For residents of East Palo Alto, a majority-minority community of 30,000 residents nestled near the technology behemoths of Silicon Valley, housing has been a key issue since the city was incorporated in 1983.   To protect low-income tenants, East Palo Alto passed a “vacancy control” law in 1983 that strictly limited the ability of landlords to

Proposition 33 sparks debate on rent control, the free market and values Read More »

outskirts of Stanford University’s campus

Peninsula Healthcare Connection – a lifeline for growing local homeless communities, looking to expand 

Peninsula Press · Peninsula Healthcare Connection – a lifeline for growing homeless communities, looking to expand California’s homeless population saw an estimated increase of 22,500 people over the COVID-19 pandemic. The CDC reports that people experiencing homelessness are placed at an increased risk of infectious diseases and also often experience mental illnesses such as anxiety,

Peninsula Healthcare Connection – a lifeline for growing local homeless communities, looking to expand  Read More »

statistics from Alta Housing, Palo Alto

Palo Alto City Council Member Disappointed with State Budget for Housing Investments

Palo Alto City Councilmember Greer Stone called the $2 billion for housing investments in the 2022-23 California state budget “absurd,” after receiving updates about the 2022 Legislative Session from the city’s Federal and State Legislative advocates at the monthly Policy and Services Committee meeting Oct. 11. In July, California adopted a $307.9 billion budget. “Far

Palo Alto City Council Member Disappointed with State Budget for Housing Investments Read More »

San Jose mayoral candidate Matt Mahan met with Stanford student journalists

San Jose mayor candidate Mahan calls for state support to tackle housing crisis

City councilmember and mayoral candidate Matt Mahan said the state isn’t doing enough to support San Jose’s response to the housing crisis. “The state is not providing cities with a whole lot of funding for housing,” he said. “We don’t have anything close to the sources of affordable housing funds to meet those targets.” In

San Jose mayor candidate Mahan calls for state support to tackle housing crisis Read More »

San Jose isn’t meeting its housing construction goals, Liccardo says

In a wide-ranging interview, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo discussed the city’s struggle to meet its housing construction goals, suggested replacing the VTA’s light rail system with a fleet of electric buses and urged the state to allow the pumping of purified recycled water back into the system amid persistent droughts.

San Jose isn’t meeting its housing construction goals, Liccardo says Read More »

Tents and belongings along the banks of the San Lorenzo River, a popular location for Santa Cruz’s homeless to find shelter. (Daniel Wu / Peninsula Press)

Coronavirus and winter make it harder to solve Santa Cruz’s homelessness problems

Santa Cruz, a beach town that promotes a legacy of tolerance — “Keep Santa Cruz Weird” is the slogan on T-shirts — hasn’t been able to solve a persistent problem with homelessness. As city officials, nonprofits and activists struggle for answers, the onset of winter poses even more threat to those who find shelter in the open. Looming over everything this year is a resurgent coronavirus.

Coronavirus and winter make it harder to solve Santa Cruz’s homelessness problems Read More »