
The newest players in the crypto space? Teenage girls

SAN FRANCISCO —  At 9 a.m. on a recent Saturday, dozens of young, African-American women, ages 13 to 17, stood in a line outside a tall, glass-plaited building to learn the complexities of bitcoin — a digital currency with a market that’s worth more than $100 billion. The event was part of Black Girls Code, a nonprofit groups that teaches technology and coding skills to African American girls.

The newest players in the crypto space? Teenage girls Read More »

As the founder of a social media movement, Ambreen Tariq navigates authenticity and allyship

In 2018, Ambreen Tariq’s story of the outdoors is camping, hiking and sightseeing. It is a promise of an annual trip to Shenandoah National Park on her birthday and skies that swirl slate blue into pink. It is a solid social media following and a demanding side-hustle. It is a hashtag. But twenty years ago,

As the founder of a social media movement, Ambreen Tariq navigates authenticity and allyship Read More »

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