Campaigning for the right to die: Technology’s influence on the aid-in-dying conversation
The latest campaign effort in the United States surrounding the aid-in-dying conversation was centered on a piece of legislation in California, which the state ... Read more.

Sisters-owned restaurant remains community staple in changing San Francisco Mission District
San Francisco's Mission District is seeing a lot of change. But the family-owned L's Caffe in the Mission has been running for a decade and has been honored by ... Read more.

Local artist Dan Woodard talks about the transition from film to sculpture
Local artist Dan Woodard currently has a solo sculpture show titled "Heads and Hands," on display at the Redwood City Rotunda Gallery.... Read more.

Electronic Arts hopes to jump on the mobile games bandwagon
Video game industry analysts and company executives are looking to mobile gaming as the next source for a boom in growth.... Read more.

Gamers unite at game nights in San Francisco
Every Tuesday and Thursday night, hundreds gather at the Folsom Street Foundry in San Francisco for SF Game Nights, hosted by the entertainment company Showdown... Read more.

Federal officials call for more international cooperation in dealing with cyber crimes
International cooperation among law enforcement agencies is key to investigating cyber crimes, according to a panel of federal law enforcement officials and sec... Read more.

Electronic Arts reports third quarter rise in revenues, income
The video game software publisher met analysts' expectations of strong sales in console-based games and digital downloads.... Read more.