PG&E power shutoffs

Bay Area restaurants tally losses from spoiled food, lost sales from power shutoffs

Pacific Gas and Electric’s late October power shutoffs impacted numerous restaurants in the Bay Area. Restaurants lost food and customers. Picco Restaurant & Pizzeria, a restaurant specialized in California-influenced Neapolitan pizzas in Larkspur, had to close their restaurant Oct. 26 at 2:30 p.m. and reopened on Oct. 29. It estimates its losses at $43,000. The

Bay Area restaurants tally losses from spoiled food, lost sales from power shutoffs Read More »

Tom Devine and Pat Halgren lead a neighborhood response team

Half Moon Bay neighbors support the medically vulnerable during power shutoffs

HALF MOON BAY — When the power goes out in Canada Cove, a Half Moon Bay neighborhood for seniors, dozens of residents are unable to use vital medical devices. So neighbors are helping spread support and information, including how to get backup batteries.

Half Moon Bay neighbors support the medically vulnerable during power shutoffs Read More »