The fate of Box City and San Francisco’s enduring homeless camp epidemic
What happens when the city of San Francisco takes down a homeless encampment? One initiative attempts to steer former encampment residents into a center that co... Read more.

The wasting of the stars: A look into the largest ocean epidemic in recorded history
Sea Star Wasting Disease decimated sea star populations along the West Coast. Researchers are still solving the mystery of what went wrong.... Read more.

Citizen scientists document nearly 200 species at Homestead Valley bioblitz
Ecologists, park rangers and local volunteers unite off Marin County’s scenic Panoramic Highway to capture the flora and fauna of Homestead Valley.... Read more.

TJ Johnston – Street Sheet’s mild-mannered star reporter – takes on San Francisco’s homeless crisis
A San Francisco journalist seeks to dispel misconceptions about homelessness. His other big challenge: being homeless himself.... Read more.

Visualizing the Women’s March with Legos
Comprehending the numbers of people who protested in January's historic Women's March is difficult to understand just by the numbers. That's where Legos come in... Read more.

San Francisco looks for ways to fund supportive housing for homeless
Meet Regina. Hers is just one story from the estimated 6,700-plus homeless San Franciscans, many of whom struggle to navigate a complex network of services that... Read more.

Retired SF Police Commander Richard Corriea reflects on his experiences with the homeless
Richard Corriea discusses his experiences with San Francisco’s homeless population throughout his 35 years with the SFPD, the limitations of police involvemen... Read more.

San Franciscans to vote on police street crime unit
Proposition R would force the San Francisco Police Department to reassign 3 percent of officers to a “Neighborhood Crime Unit” once they are at full staffin... Read more.

San Francisco homeless advocates fight tent ban, call for shelter
Critics and proponents weigh in on Prop Q, a San Francisco ballot measure to remove homeless tent encampments with 24-hour notice.... Read more.