disability rights

Stranded and Stripped of Independence: Chaos Ensues When Airlines Damage Wheelchairs

If Janelle Fiesta didn’t live with a physical disability, she is certain she would be a flight attendant. The 27-year-old from Honolulu is an avid traveler whose eyes twinkle as she reminisces about trips to Disney Parks with her boyfriend, Antoine, and opportunities she’s had to connect with the global community of individuals living with

Stranded and Stripped of Independence: Chaos Ensues When Airlines Damage Wheelchairs Read More »

A woman in a dress and white blazer stands in front of a graduation cake.

A degree 72 years in the making: Donna Meisel’s nontraditional path in higher education

The cool blue glow of a desktop monitor is the only light in Donna’s office as she sits at her desk, rubbing her temples. For most Temple University students, finding sources for a research paper is a relatively mundane task. For Danuta “Donna” Meisel, a blind, 72-year-old Polish immigrant with throat cancer, a literature review

A degree 72 years in the making: Donna Meisel’s nontraditional path in higher education Read More »

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