Which Super Bowl winning quarterback earned the most?
The cash earnings of Super Bowl winning quarterbacks has varied greatly over the past decade. Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson was paid less than $1 ... Read more.

Nearly 1.3 million kids’ Medi-Cal coverage jeopardized without CHIP funding
PALO ALTO, CA – Roughly 200,000 Bay Area kids could lose their Medi-Cal health insurance after Congress failed to renew funding for the Children’s Health In... Read more.

Santa Clara water board votes to support smaller version of $17 billion water tunnels project
SAN JOSE, CA — The Santa Clara Valley Water District has said it will only contribute funds to new water transport tunnels supported by Governor Jerry Brown i... Read more.

California and capital punishment: Why this blue state keeps voting for the death penalty
Although favor for capital punishment in the U.S. generally aligns with those on the political right, California has now broken from leftist death penalty propo... Read more.

Indigenous activists march through San Francisco in solidarity with Standing Rock
Bay Area activists marched in solidarity with the Native Nations March happening on the same day in Washington D.C.... Read more.