Indigenous activists march through San Francisco in solidarity with Standing Rock

Bay Area activists marched on March 10 in solidarity with the Native Nations March, happening on the same day in Washington D.C.

From the San Francisco Federal Building to the Civic Center, indigenous activists expressed their anger with what they believe is the Trump Administration’s disregard of native communities.

The march was arranged entirely as a Facebook event. There, the protest organizers from Idle No More SF Bay and Tribal Nations, listed their demands: that President Donald Trump meet with tribal leaders to discuss tribal rights, that agencies receive consent — not just consultation — in making decisions that affect the land, and recognition of tribal nations’ right to protect their homelands.

“We were able to bring all these different California natives and different nations together to show that we are strong and we are resilient and that we are still here,” said 23-year-old Isabella Zizi, one of the march organizers. “I am so honored to be part of this moment right now.”
