An Iranian artist’s revolutionary technique and journey

Sadegh Barirani was born in 1923 in Iran and always enjoyed art.

He was part of The Fighting Roosters, a group that pushed the artwork in Iran to evolve with the rest of the world. The Fighting Roosters was a group of college students at the School of Fine Arts in Tehran University from 1948 to 1953. This group academically studied European modern art styles, though they were discouraged by their professors and constantly passed over for expositions. However, the group understood and appreciated modern art and allowed it to influence their classic training.

For his pieces, Barirani created a brush with both thick and thin bristles that required swift movements. Barirani’s technique was inspired by poems and became known as mystic lyricism.

Barirani excelled and earned grants to travel to the United States and France to study at different universities. He placed in a number of world art competitions, and once he moved back to Tehran, he became a professor of fine arts. He is known in Tehran for creating hundreds of modern posters for events in the city, like shows, festivals and art events.

He now lives in California and is still evolving his artwork at 93 years old.


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