Fate of Milpitas residents’ garbage up in the air with Measure L

Milpitas residents might soon be able to breathe a little easier if voters pass a measure this Election Day that would send their trash to a landfill farther away from town.

Right now, the air in Milpitas suffers periodically from odor from a nearby landfill. Measure L, if approved, will move Milpitas’ trash 22 miles away to the Guadalupe Landfill in San Jose starting in September 2017. A “no” vote will void the disposal contract with the Guadalupe Landfill and force Milpitas to restart the disposal contract bidding process to decide where landfill trash will be sent.

A separate contract that decides which company will transport the trash from residents’ homes to the landfill has not yet been decided either. The trash collection contract was discussed during a special meeting on Oct. 17.

In the podcast above, Brock Hill, director of operations for Premier Recycle, tells of his struggle to get the attention of the Milpitas City Council. Hill hopes that Milpitas will delete the section of the contract that would prohibit his and 11 other companies from continuing to work in the city.


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